József Csató

(Mezőkövesd, 1980 – )

JÓZSEF CSATÓ is a representative of the young generation of painters who interpret painting in a hybrid way, i.e. they create their works using the full range of contemporary visual and multimedia tools, while remaining within the conventions of painting, but without its representational function. Abstraction and figuration are inverted: the figurative appears as abstract, the abstract as figurative. It is the “as if” effect in a non-aestheticizing medium; radical communication in a friendly narrative mode. His paintings speak a very unique visual language. His figures and forms are part of a kind of psychedelic and personal symbolism, in which the amorphous shapes seem to represent real, existing beings, be they elements resembling plants or unicellular animals, magnified a trillion times. It is as if his objects were made of elastic material, only flat. These quasi-figural and abstract works, these images, fuse a number of art-historical references in his world of fantasy. The reiteration of repetitive forms and the composition of the picture make the viewer feel as if botanical experiments were keeping the dynamics of this painted living world in motion. In addition to his art, Csató is a dedicated musician; sometimes he takes his listeners into the sounds of space, into the space of the spheres.

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