External location


Jeannette Christensen’s installation for Budapest is not only site-specific but also “time-specific”, although the latter term is hardly used in contemporary art. Her work Every Day is a Miracle II uses a completely banal, everyday material, jelly to create objects that appear as minimalist sculptures, which take on a “life of their own” due to the atmospheric characteristics of the exhibition space – a cellar. The biochemical processes that take place in the gel cause the installation to appear differently at almost every moment to the viewers, who cannot see the work in its “entirety”, but only experience it in the time they spend at the exhibition. The installation, however, is the sum of all the moments that make up the process of decomposition and thus draw the viewer’s attention to the temporality of the reception of the work. As the work itself is in fact destroyed by the end of the process, and thus of the exhibition, temporality raises further questions not only about the reception but also about the survival and, eventually, the disappearance of the work.

Extended Present – Transient Realities external venue: EJTECH: Of Matter In Waves

In conjunction with the Ludwig Museum’s international exhibition Extended Present – Transient Realities, the concept of the exhibition will be presented in three external venues in parallel, embedded in the urban fabric of Budapest.

Of Matter In Waves is a site-specific installation realized with the cooperation of Műhely / The Hall of ONYX: the work is dedicated to unfolding matter into the sonic domain through a textile sound system. EJTECH's work creates a space for exploring the extended present via electromagnetic air sculptures.