Urban Report.ro 3: The Pioneers of the Emergent Practices

2. December, 2011, 00:00–00:00
2. December, 2011
Not visitable by annual pass

A magazine issue launch event.

Date: Friday, 2 December 2011, 18.00-20.00
Venue: Auditorium (1st floor), Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art

The most recent Zeppelin project launches in Budapest. Urban Report.ro is a research project dedicated to the newest urban, social and architectural tendencies in four countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia. Partners in this project are the Zeppelin (Bucharest), the KÉK (Budapest), the BINA (Belgrade) and the SAW (Sofia).

As we have realized by now that there is no such thing as a transition, and that this side of Europe probably could never be compared with its Western counterpart, we warmly invite you to read the third volume of urban report adventure, dedicated to pioneers of architectural practice coming up in this area and time. They are pioneers of clearly unaccredited and unacknowledged practice. However, a certain heroic and beautiful, rather solemn touch shows up each time when such a project manages to change the world around. There are small, temporary, fragile projects, but their multiplication and the energy they have spread already give a hope that something changes for the better. It is, indeed, a volume devoted to bold ideas, to people with no other choice than to act like explorers, innovators, pioneers into nowhere.

Participants: Stefan Ghenciulescu, Cosmina Goagea, Constantin Goagea, Samu Szemerey, Miklós Péterffy (members of the project team) and János Vági, Zsolt Zsuffa, István Ligetvári (authors).


Miklós Péterffy: Introduction: Presenting Urban Report
Presenting the aims, methods, editorial process and introducing the authors and editors

Case Studies from the current issue
1. Constantin Goagea: Presentation of Romanian and Serbian projects
2. Stefan Ghenciulescu: Presentation of Romanian and Bulgarian projects
3. János Vági: Go Vöröstó: a current community building project
4. Samu Szemerey: Introducing Ludwig Museum’s Yona Friedman. Architecture without building exhibition


Moderated by Samu Szemerey

English and Hungarian synchronous translation is available.

250 copies of the three Urban Report issues will be available for free at the event.

Urban Report.ro 3: The Pioneers of the Emergent Practices is now on-line, and can be read and downloaded here at www.urbanreport.ro.

A free copy of the printed issue can be ordered at the following e-mail address:

The project is supported by:
Romanian Cultural Institute, Cantemir Programme
Chamber of Romanian Architects under the architecture revenue stamp
The Administration of National Cultural Fund (Romania)