Zoltán Érmezei. The OEuvre | A Look Back/Forward

László Beke, Julia Fabényi, Georgina Gál, Éva Körner, Miklós Sulyok
Miklós Zsámboki
Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum
Place of publication
Date of publication
Number of pages

Had he not passed away unduly young, Zoltán Érmezei would be sixty years old now. His lifework is less known for the wider public, although he was an outstanding member of the alternative artist generation in the 1980’s. As a visual artist, he was intrigued by the idea of death from the beginning and his lifework was permeated all along by philosophy and faith. During his short but intensive life he created works in various artistic genres and fields: conceptual art, mail art, special plaster casting technique, „blurred” statues, reliefs; series of drawings, mirror paintings. He was an artist dealing with universal existential problems of humankind in his writings and sketches, projecting all these - in an unusual way - to himself. In his first retrospective exhibition there will be several works on display never shown to the public before.

Language: Hungarian, English