Mirror Hill, 2010
Family Identification Contest by Kateřina Šeda

6. November, 2010–21.
6. November, 2010–21.

Kateřina Šedá (1977) lives and works in Brno - Líšeň and in Prague. Following completion of the Applied Arts Secondary School in Brno, she studied in 1999 - 2005 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (Professor Vladimír Kokolia). In 2005 she received the Jindřich Chalupecký Award.

She has exhibited at Art Sheffield 10, (2010), the 10th Biennale in Lyon (2009), the New Museum in New York (2009), Manifesta 7 in Bolzano (2008), the 5th Berlin Biennale (2008), the Renaissance Society in Chicago (2008), the Taxispalais Gallery in Innsbruck (2007-2008) Documenta 12 in Kassel (2007), the Index Gallery in Stockholm (2007) and at Modern Art Oxford in England (2006), among others.

She is currently preparing a project for the Tate Modern London that is to take place in 2011.

In her projects, which she usually undertakes in small towns and villages or on a city's peripheries, she tries to bring the local people together. Through their own (provoked) activities and thanks to the non-traditional use of everyday means, she tries to evoke a permanent change in their behaviour.

Kateřina Šedá about the Tükörhegy (Mirror Hill), 2010 project
"In 2009 I spent two months in Budapest upon an invitation from Ludwig Museum and thus I got an opportunity to learn a bit more about the local area and to compare it with the place which I come from. Surprisingly, I have found many identical features which have been forming both societies in the past two decades and it gave me an idea to try to repeat my event in another place, nevertheless a similar one.

When I came to the village of Törökbalint for the first time, immediately I was enchanted by the variety of development which embellishes the local hill called Tükörhegy. However, among the originally constructed houses I could not find any central common area. Only later I realised that the main square of this locality is basically formed by the grid of the individual streets.

Interconnection through this grid made me prepare a FAMILY COMPETITION. All the families living in Tükörhegy can participate in the competition, without any age restrictions."

Final ceremony of the competition and the announcement of the winning family
14 November 2010., at 14:00, at the home of the winning family (Törökbálint, Tükörhegy, Róth Miksa u. ?)

More information:

Kateřina Šedá: Tükörhegy (Mirror Hill), 2010
© 2010 Katerina Seda, Adam Macháček, Michal Hladík, Franco Soffiantino Gallery

fotó © Michal Hladík