Maurer Dóra

Anna Bálványos, Dieter Bogner, Dieter Honisch, Judit Király, Dóra Maurer
Dóra Maurer
Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum
Place of publication
Date of publication
Number of pages

Since the 1970s, Dóra Maurer has been one of the dominant figures of Hungarian art. In addition to her creative work, she has been a major influence on her peers as an active and energetic organizer and, since 2003, a teacher. Her work faithfully reflects her perpetually curious, open-to-everything, constantly-searching personality, her irrepressible desire to experiment, fine intelligence and subtle irony. She works in several fields: in addition to paintings she has produced graphics, photographs, films, collages and installations. Works making use of geometry, colour theory and perception theories are actually playful experiments reflecting the attitude of the informed observer. “Dóra Maurer is not interested in art, but in reality, and the constantly-changing manifestation of reality,” is what Dieter Honisch has written about her.

The catalogue has been published on the occasion of Dóra Maurer's exhibition, "Concise Oeuvre", included are texts by Dieter Honisch and Dieter Bogner, "A Pigeon Story" by Dóra Maurer, and an interview with the artist by Anna Bálványos, curator of the exhibition, as well as a study by young art historian (and mathematician) Judit Király, analysing Dóra Maurer’s works from a mathematical perspective. The book concludes with an oeuvre catalogue based on the artist’s original notes.

Language: Hungarian, German